news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Tips for PowerApps-(When) does a user need a license?

PowerApps is licensed in the Office 365 environment and offers three license plans. Since it often is not clear, if end users who want to use (and not create) a PowerApps app need a license or how licensing works with data sources, I want to inform about licenses, show some samples and clarify that topic here.

Tips for PowerApps-A drivers logbook

PowerApps are a great way to accomplish simple tasks by end users. A new PowerApp is usually done in minutes (if the underlying data source is existing and working). Nevertheless, it often takes much more time to polish the app and to find and modify details. So I decided to post from time to time some tips when stumbling upon any topics in PowerApps.

How to develop an Office App in real world

Sometimes, it’s the small things that cost (unnecessarily) time. Recently, I wanted to create a quick Office App for an existing Excel file to loop through rows and do some transformation for the values. I was stumbling over some topics when developing in real world. So here’s my short How To for working with Visual Studio and Office Apps with helpful tips.

Vorteile von Azure Websites

Microsoft Azure ist eine Plattform zum hochverfügbaren, skalierbaren und sicheren Betrieb von IT-Services, von virtuellen Maschinen bis hin zu Websites. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Hosting-Lösungen bietet Azure eine Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Services. Nur, welche Vorteile bieten Azure Websites im Vergleich zu anderen Angeboten von Providern? Hier einige Gründe für den Einsatz von Azure Websites.