news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Get real world answers to your burning Office365 questions at MSIgnite Office365 MVP experts panel

Are working with Office 365 and are you attending Microsoft Ignite conference in Chicago in some days? Here’s your chance to engage six Office 365 MVP’s in an open Q&A panel discussion! See this astonishing promotion video here!

See our Google AdWords reference story about Delegate365

We at atwork developed a solution named Delegate365 ( We are using Google AdWords which helps to successfully advertise the product for the target markets. Google asked us if we want to share our marketing story for Delegate365. So here it is!

IT-Expertinnen im Interview

Heute, am 8. März, ist weltweiter Tag der Frau”. Eine gute Gelegenheit, das Interview IT-Expertinnen im Interview – Was Frauen in der Technik heute beschäftigt” mit unserer Geschäftsführerin Martina Grom und Social-Media Expertin Meral Akin-Hecke zu veröffentlichen. Das Interview führte Johanna Kriks von