Delegate365 changelog version 7.1-Fixes, User Interface improvements, Sync Lock, MFA and more

2017-12-04 | Toni Pohl

Right after Delegate365 version 7, we are releasing version 7.1 with some relevant updates. This version brings some fixes, an improved SyncOp, Sync Locking, First Start-support, a new Multi Factor Authentication automation feature, a streamlines sync rules experience, more videos and some updates. See the benefits and the details here.

We hope you like the new features and the improvements in Delegate 365 version 7.1!

All Delegate365 productive tenants will be updated before Christmas automatically to benefit from the improvements. There are no actions necessary on the customer side. New test tenants will automatically get the new Delegate365 version.

Categories: Delegate365, English, Microsoft, Office365, atwork
