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Zehn Regeln für die Geschäftswelt aus der SciFi Serie Battlestar Galatica

Vor kurzem von franzku getwittert und für sehr treffend befunden:

10 Business Lessons From "Battlestar Galactica"

Hier die Regeln, die Erklärung dazu gibt´s im Artikel von Robert Strohmeyer, PC World.

1. Tech isn't always the answer.
2. Don't neglect training.
3. Some things can't be outsourced.
4. Update your antivirus.
5. Democracy doesn't always work.
6. Some problems can't be killed.
7. Seek strategic alliances with competitors.
8. Don't store all your backups in one place.
9. The mission can change at any time.
10. Beware of visionaries. Zealots make bad leaders.

Wie wahr. ;-)
