WienIT setzt auf die Microsoft Cloud Saturday, March 12, 2022 1:00 PM Martina Grom Datensicherheit ist ein wesentlicher Faktor für jedes Unternehmen und jede Organisation. So setzt auch unser Kunde WienIT auf die Microsoft Cloud. WienIT ist Wiens bedeutendster Infrastrukturdienstleister und Teil der Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe, die mit über 15.000 MitarbeiterInnen einer der vielfältigsten Arbeitgeber der Stadt Wien ist. atwork ist stolz darauf, WienIT mit Expertise im Bereich Cloud-Technologie und Security zu unterstützen. Lesen Sie die Referenz-Story bei Microsoft Österreich. Azure | Cloud | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
How should a secure password be? Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:00 AM Martina Grom I recently came across an article that shows how (in)secure passwords are these days. See it here! Cloud | English | Security Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
This was the #ADCD2022 event Thursday, March 3, 2022 11:00 AM Toni Pohl Last Friday, the cloudusergroup organized the Virtual Community Event #ADCD2022, the Austrian Developer Community Day 2022. We had 25+ interesting sessions with great speakers and a great virtual day of the event. Here are some impressions of it. Azure | Cloud | Developer | English | Event | Microsoft365 | Office365 | MVP | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Force a content refresh of an Azure static website using Azure CDN Saturday, February 5, 2022 9:00 PM Martina Grom Static website hosting in Azure Storage is really cool and quick method for simple deployment scenarios. Azure CDN edge nodes provide the cache and distribution layer with custom domains, rules, and further configuration options for such a static website. But what to do if you update the static website and it doesn't deliver the new content? How can you force an update? See the solution here. Azure | Cloud | Developer | English | Microsoft | Serverless Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
How to filter entries with Null value in Azure Table Storage Explorer Thursday, January 27, 2022 6:00 PM Toni Pohl Azure storage accounts are a great and inexpensive way to store lots of data. I am using Azure Table storage to store large amounts of structured data for various tools. I needed to filter all rows that have a specific field that shows Null. While this sounds simple, it is a bit tricky. Here's how. Azure | Cloud | Developer | English | Microsoft | Tools | Serverless Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Die "New Commerce Experience" für CSP ist da! Friday, January 14, 2022 6:00 PM Mercedes.Orasch Das Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Programm ermöglicht es Ihnen, Microsoft-Clouddienste über atwork zu beziehen. Unter dem Namen New Commerce Experience (NCE) wird es von Microsoft zukünftig für Endkunden einige Änderungen im CSP Programm geben. Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office | Office365 | Cloud | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Identify guest users and their status with Graph Wednesday, January 5, 2022 7:00 PM Martina Grom Working with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, Azure Active Directory as an identity and management system becomes more and more important. Like Active Directory, Azure AD grows throughout time with guest accounts, cloud accounts and synchronized accounts. From a governance and lifecycle point of view - and also for security reasons - it is therefore important to clean up Azure AD from time to time. The cleanup process supports a healthy lifecycle management. In this article we describe how to quickly identify guest users in your own Azure AD with on-board resources. Azure | Cloud | Developer | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Graph | Governance Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
The quick way to work with SharePoint Lists and permissions Friday, December 31, 2021 2:00 PM Toni Pohl SharePoint (or Microsoft) lists provide a good storage for not too extensive structured data. Sometimes administrators want to restrict access to certain items or lines. This approach shows how you, as an administrator, can do this without using item permissions, but with simpler and easier-to-manage views and permissions. Blog | Cloud | English | Governance | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | SharePoint Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Ways to work with Power BI licenses Monday, September 27, 2021 9:00 PM Toni Pohl I recently wanted to share a Microsoft Power BI report with other users who only have the "Power BI (Free)" license. Well, with a "Power BI Pro" license, a report can be shared with other users. But I noticed that there are stumbling blocks when it comes to licensing. Here are my findings. App | English | Microsoft | Power Platform | Cloud | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power BI Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Trust the box? Working with the Relevance Score in Microsoft 365 Friday, September 17, 2021 8:00 PM Martina Grom In the Microsoft 365 platform, productivity and recommendations are created to inform users about their relevant data. For example, Microsoft Delve is an app showing such information to a user. Another service is Microsoft Viva Insights (formerly MyAnalytics) that sends out statistics according to the motto "Work smarter with personal productivity insights in Microsoft 365". While this can be very useful for users to quickly find and discover relevant data, works councils are often sensitive to personal data in a company. So how can we explain what is happening here and invalidate what data is visible to individual users and what data is visible to other users? Well, here is some information about the Microsoft 365 "works with" features. Cloud | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Graph Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Get the most value from your Azure investment Wednesday, August 18, 2021 6:00 AM Martina Grom Are you still thinking of ways to move to the cloud with certain services? Well, the Cloud economics site could help. Azure | Cloud | English | Microsoft | Migration Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
atwork launched Cloud Hub - the first Microsoft Teams App that lets you receive important news directly from your Microsoft Tenant Monday, July 19, 2021 3:30 PM Mercedes.Orasch The atwork-team is beyond excited to inform you that we recently launched our first Microsoft Teams App and the second one in Austria – Cloud Hub, which lets you receive important news from your Microsoft tenant. Get it now! Office365 | Microsoft365 | App | Cloud | Microsoft Teams | English Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr