Azure information protection user experience with external users Sunday, February 18, 2018 6:40 PM Martina Grom Due to the coming GDPR regulation in May 2018 many customers are working very actively towards this date and check their compliance and security environment. Many requests arise around Azure Information protection which gives customers the ability to classify and protect their data in an easy, reproducible way. Data classification helps users to differentiate between data that can be shared outside an organization and data that is classified or NDA information. Many statistics show that less than 5% of all data from an organization are in that high classification range.Azure Information protection helps you classify and protect that type of data. One of the main questions here is: how is that handled with external or guest users? What is the user experience for an external user and how can he open those protected messages (Mails or Documents). The user experience is demonstrated below. Cloud | Azure | Office365 | Microsoft365 | Security | AIP | Azure Information Protection Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (3) | Post RSS mehr
Multiple Users in Microsoft Teams (and other Office 365 services) with the same name Thursday, February 8, 2018 8:45 PM Martina Grom Recently a colleague asked me: How can you deal with users in large Enterprise Tenants, who share the same name? How do you know who is who?” Indeed, this can happen, as soon as your Office 365 Tenant has a lot of users in it. There are some very common names in each language, so you should know who you add to your Microsoft Team. From an organizational perspective, this should be solved with a proper identity management: Users have a unique e-mail address, but it does not end here: there are some other fields that need to be filled, like Job Title, Department and a lot more. But in fact: which fields is the Microsoft Teams user dialog using here? Cloud | Office365 | Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr