Ways to work with Power BI licenses Monday, September 27, 2021 9:00 PM Toni Pohl I recently wanted to share a Microsoft Power BI report with other users who only have the "Power BI (Free)" license. Well, with a "Power BI Pro" license, a report can be shared with other users. But I noticed that there are stumbling blocks when it comes to licensing. Here are my findings. App | English | Microsoft | Power Platform | Cloud | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power BI Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Trust the box? Working with the Relevance Score in Microsoft 365 Friday, September 17, 2021 8:00 PM Martina Grom In the Microsoft 365 platform, productivity and recommendations are created to inform users about their relevant data. For example, Microsoft Delve is an app showing such information to a user. Another service is Microsoft Viva Insights (formerly MyAnalytics) that sends out statistics according to the motto "Work smarter with personal productivity insights in Microsoft 365". While this can be very useful for users to quickly find and discover relevant data, works councils are often sensitive to personal data in a company. So how can we explain what is happening here and invalidate what data is visible to individual users and what data is visible to other users? Well, here is some information about the Microsoft 365 "works with" features. Cloud | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Graph Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Delegate365-Empty Reports Wednesday, September 8, 2021 11:00 AM Toni Pohl In some tenants, sometimes reports appear blank. This can happen when reports are obfuscated in the Microsoft 365 admin center. See more here. Delegate365 | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Tools | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Suchoptionen in der Microsoft 365 Welt Tuesday, August 17, 2021 2:00 PM Mercedes.Orasch Wo ist die aktuelle Marktanalyse?”, Wo hast du die Präsentation rund um Microsoft 365 abgelegt?” – wer kennt diese Fragen nicht? Eine der größten Zeitfallen ist die Suche nach Inhalten, Kontakten und Unterhaltungen. Wenn jedoch alle wichtigen Informationen – wie in Microsoft 365 – sofort abrufbar sind, kann jede und jeder Einzelne effizienter arbeiten. Daher bietet Microsoft verschiedene Suchoptionen an, die wir in diesem Artikel erörtern. Tools | Office365 | Microsoft365 | Azure | SharePoint Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
The Post Pandemic Hybrid Workspace with Martina Grom Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:00 AM Mercedes.Orasch Richard Campbell, creator and host for Runas Radio, spoke with Martina Grom, CEO atwork, in an online conversation about hybrid workspaces, governance challenges of Microsoft 365 hybrid workers, and the migration into the Cloud during the pandemic. In this article, we summarized for you the critical insights from the marvelous 30 minutes conversation. Governance | Office365 | Migration | Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Unsere Top 3 Microsoft 365 Summer-Special-Tipps Tuesday, August 3, 2021 11:00 AM Mercedes.Orasch Damit ihr auch während des Sommers mit hilfreichen und guten Microsoft 365 Tipps versorgt seid, haben wir für euch unsere Top 3 New Feature Tipps zusammengefasst, die euch in eurer täglichen digitalen Arbeit unterstützen sollen. Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams | Office365 | Funstuff Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Organisiere deine tägliche Arbeit auf deine Weise mit der Outlook Kalender Board Ansicht für Outlook Web Friday, July 30, 2021 8:00 AM Mercedes.Orasch Damit ihr eure Aufgaben und Ereignisse noch besser verwalten könnt, gibt es eine neue Ansicht für Outlook – die Board Ansicht. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir dir, jede einzelne Option, die du zu deinem Board hinzufügen und was du damit machen kannst. Office365 | Microsoft365 | Tools Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Delegate365 changelog 9.2.3-Add users to groups Monday, July 26, 2021 1:00 PM Toni Pohl Delegate365 v9.2.3 brings a fix for the Message Trace function and offers a mechanism to add multiple users to one or more groups directly from the user list. See it here. Delegate365 | English | Microsoft365 | Office365 | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
atwork launched Cloud Hub - the first Microsoft Teams App that lets you receive important news directly from your Microsoft Tenant Monday, July 19, 2021 3:30 PM Mercedes.Orasch The atwork-team is beyond excited to inform you that we recently launched our first Microsoft Teams App and the second one in Austria – Cloud Hub, which lets you receive important news from your Microsoft tenant. Get it now! Office365 | Microsoft365 | App | Cloud | Microsoft Teams | English Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Microsoft Teams Tip: set a status message in guest tenants Wednesday, July 14, 2021 9:30 AM Martina Grom pro tip for #microsoftteams - if you are a guest in _many_ tenants, set a status message that helps residents of those tenants to reach you while you are not logged into their tenant with a simple status message. Microsoft Teams | Microsoft365 | English Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Message Trace in Delegate365 Friday, July 9, 2021 9:00 PM Toni Pohl When you run a message trace operation to get status information about specific emails, the result can vary, depending on time zone settings. See a sample here. Delegate365 | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | PowerShell | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Unsere Microsoft 365 Success Story: Adoption in Zeiten von Distance Learning mit Diakonie - Eine Welt Monday, July 5, 2021 11:00 AM Mercedes.Orasch Das Unterrichten in den vergangenen Jahren - ob per Fernunterricht, Hybrid- oder Präsenzunterricht - hat viele Herausforderungen und Chancen für PädagogInnen und SchülerInnen mit sich gebracht. Unser Kunde, die Diakonie – Eine Welt, hat gemeinsam mit uns ein inklusives Lernerlebnis mit Microsoft 365 geschaffen. Lest mehr dazu in unserer Microsoft 365 Success Story! Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams | Migration | Office365 Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr