Pay your CoE with Azure - for special use cases only Monday, October 10, 2022 6:00 AM Toni Pohl The Center of Excellence (CoE), also known as the Microsoft Power Platform CoE Starter Kit, is a toolkit to gain insights into the use of the Microsoft Power Platform in an Microsoft 365 organization. While the installation has recently become a bit technically easier, a corresponding Power Platform license is also required for operation. Well, not every company owns or acquires the required license. We show how these license requirements can be solved with Azure temporary - for special use cases - and what are the benefits and the disadvantages of the PAYG billing. Cloud | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | PowerApps | Governance | Tools Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
How to restore a flow from a backup to another environment Tuesday, September 13, 2022 10:00 AM Toni Pohl In the previous article, we showed and described two flows to backup and restore a flow. This works well when the flow's connections are still in the same environment. But what about restoring a flow in a different environment? This is a typical use case for "moving" flows from a source environment to a target environment, such as from the development environment to the productive or department environment. In this article we show how this works with the restore flow. Developer | English | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | Serverless | SharePoint | Tools | Flow Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
How to backup and restore a flow with another flow Monday, August 29, 2022 5:00 AM Toni Pohl Did you know that you can backup and restore a flow (or multiple flows) with another flow in Power Automate? This is very helpful for backing up and restoring important flows in the company. Well, I knew the mechanism. Now I've tested it myself and found that this process is undocumented and I've only found examples that didn't work. Reason enough to develop the process to work and describe it with all workarounds. Here is the guide for real world application. Cloud | English | Flow | Governance | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | Serverless | SharePoint | Tools Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Trigger a Power Automate Flow through a SharePoint List Item Monday, August 8, 2022 6:56 AM PH Power Automate is a great tool to automate SharePoint based Tasks, e.g. Document Approvals, Notifications,… The flows can be triggered by a new or changed Element / Document in SharePoint, but very often, we want the user to start a flow for a specific, selected document. For that, Microsoft is Providing a Power Automate Trigger called "SharePoint – Start for the selected document", which can be triggered for the selected document in SharePoint. The flow gets the ID of the selected document and can do anything you want with that document. In this post, I explain, how to trigger a flow, that is located in another environment than the default environment Power Platform | Flow | SharePoint Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Governance Toolkit 365-Improvements July 2022 Sunday, July 31, 2022 3:00 PM Toni Pohl The Governance Toolkit SaaS solution provides compliance coverage across multiple workloads and offers self-services for users. We have added many new improvements and services over the past few months. See it here. App | English | GT365 | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power BI | Power Platform | PowerApps | Serverless | Teams | atwork Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Why we need the Power Platform Sunday, July 24, 2022 10:00 AM Toni Pohl Today, a quick tip on an article about one of Microsoft's fastest growing companies: Helping power users to build business apps with low-code and no-code apps. App | Cloud | English | Logic apps | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Power Platform | PowerApps | Serverless Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Tips for PowerApps-9 set data row limit for SharePoint Online lists Sunday, June 26, 2022 4:00 PM Toni Pohl If you're using a SharePoint list in a Power App and some data is missing, you can change the data row limit to a higher number in the Power App settings. See how this works here. App | Cloud | Developer | English | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | PowerApps Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Tips for PowerApps-7 Update fields with a button Saturday, January 8, 2022 4:00 PM Toni Pohl This is a quick guide on how to use a button to update a bound field on a form in a Power App. Since this is a little tricky, here are the instructions. App | Developer | English | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | PowerApps Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
The quick way to work with SharePoint Lists and permissions Friday, December 31, 2021 2:00 PM Toni Pohl SharePoint (or Microsoft) lists provide a good storage for not too extensive structured data. Sometimes administrators want to restrict access to certain items or lines. This approach shows how you, as an administrator, can do this without using item permissions, but with simpler and easier-to-manage views and permissions. Blog | Cloud | English | Governance | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power Platform | SharePoint Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
This was European Collaboration Summit 2021 Tuesday, December 7, 2021 9:31 AM Mercedes.Orasch The European Collab Summit and Cloud Summit are sister conferences and are the major community-driven technology conferences focusing on digital transformation, Cloud, and the modern workplace and the atwork-team attended the conference as speakers and attendes. Social | Microsoft365 | Power Platform | Event | Funstuff Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Ways to work with Power BI licenses Monday, September 27, 2021 9:00 PM Toni Pohl I recently wanted to share a Microsoft Power BI report with other users who only have the "Power BI (Free)" license. Well, with a "Power BI Pro" license, a report can be shared with other users. But I noticed that there are stumbling blocks when it comes to licensing. Here are my findings. App | English | Microsoft | Power Platform | Cloud | Microsoft365 | Office365 | Power BI Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Power Platform Environments and Governance Tips Monday, July 5, 2021 8:00 AM Toni Pohl The Microsoft Power Platform enables individual solutions to be developed and business processes to be easily automated. When it comes to controlling the solutions, it is important to establish an IT governance in the organization. There are many areas and details about it. For this reason, I've put together a summary here with some news and helpful tips. Cloud | English | Microsoft | Microsoft365 | Office365 | PowerApps | Power Platform | Governance | App | Business Intelligence Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr