news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Instantly install your essential software with Chocolatey

When installing a new computer, it takes some time to download and install the essential software. This is what Chocolatey is for. Chocolatey is a cost free package manager for Windows using NuGet infrastructure and PowerShell to quickly installing applications and tools that you need. I am using choco since a long time, now I wanted to show my current packaged software for my new computer. See the script here.

Delegate365 changelog version 8.4-Teamify with policy support, Room Lists, Mailbox licenses management, Report download and more

Delegate365 v8.4 brings a bunch of new features and improvements. Office 365 Groups management allows to teamify existing groups and to control all Teams settings including policy settings. The Sync Job can send warnings if many objects are deleted, Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes licenses can be removed, Reports can be directly downloaded, Room Lists are available, License Orders can be exported and much more. See a description of the new features here.

Update a SPN in AAD with the Azure PowerShell Az module

Yesterday, I wrote how to Update your Azure CLI with Choco. Today, I needed to renew an existing Service Principal Name in an AAD. A SPN stands for Service Principal Name which is used for automation authentication. Meanwhile, the PowerShell az module got some updates (v1.0.0). So, here´s the full step-by-step instruction for renewing a SPN with az ad sp credential.

Having fun with IoT Flic buttons and Microsoft Flow

I just got a cute Flic button to play around with. It takes only some minutes to connect that IoT button to a connector and execute customs tasks. Well, as first step, I simply created a message in a Microsoft Teams channel. See the step-by-step instructions here.

Groups Governance Toolkit Part 6-Groups statistics

To apply governance in an organization, the responsible persons require data. See here, how we can get group data of an Office 365 tenant for further use, for example for a visualization with Microsoft Power BI and all the benefits of such an attractive and interactive tool.

Secure a web on Azure with an Azure Active Directory Multi-Tenant App

Azure offers a great platform for multiple types of apps and services, Web Apps are one of the PaaS service, we are using much. In some scenarios, it makes sense to host a static website on Azure, but to restrict access just for authenticated users. Well, AAD can help you with that by demanding a successful login with an Office 365 account. See how this works here.