Shortly we released Delegate365 version 4.1 with many new features. Users can now be converted to shared mailboxes or resources, “rooms” have been renamed to “resources”, Shared Mailboxes now support all possible permission sets, there’s a new sync switch and a new sync history with more details and additional sync options. Also the assign licenses have been improved and D365 now uses the same friendly license plan names as in the Office 365 portal. See the details here.
- Convert User to a shared mailbox (and Convert user to resource): If a user is selected in the users list there are now two new features where the user object can be converted as shown below.
When converting a user to a shared mailbox a security question follows.
This process usually takes about up to one minute.
Since a shared mailbox technically is also a user with a mailbox, the user stays in the users list.
If you check a user again and click “Convert to shared mailbox” the details pane shows that this user is already a shared mailbox. - Convert user to resource: The same procedure works to convert a user to a resource. In the task pane the admin can select the type: Room or Equipment.
And the same if the user is already converted:
Info: Right now it is not possible to convert a shared mailbox or a resource back into a “normal” user. We are working on that… - “Rooms” have been renamed to “Resources”: In D365 we added support for rooms and equipment, so we renamed the menu to “resources” as shown below. Also there’s a new column “Type” showing of what type the resource is.
Resources now have all options available – as mailboxes. - Shared Mailboxes with all permissions: The same set of permissions is now available for shared mailboxes too: "Send As", “Send on Behalf” and "Full Access".
- Sync options: “Contacts” have been extended with CustomAttributes1 to 15 for auto-assigning contacts to an OU by the values in these fields.
- Enable/Disable Auto Sync and Sync History: There’s a new feature to enable/disable Auto-Sync. This can make sense if you do a manual sync and want to avoid that auto sync runs for a specific time.
In version 4.0.5 we added a simple form of history showing start and end time and the status for the sync operations. Now the history is a table and shows the last 10 operations with additional information like the duration of the sync, if it was a manual or an automatic sync, a status and details in one protocol.
In the screenshot above there were three manual sync jobs started by admin@… and one automatic sync job. The “Details” link opens the task pane and shows the single operations with their duration and their status.
If there were errors in a specific sync operation the status turns red and the error message is protocolled in the “Message” column. The sync history shows the last 10 operations and is automatically deleted in the database after 30 days. - Assign licenses with optional usage location: Admins can bulk assign Office 365 licenses in the administration / assign licenses menu. Now the usage location (which is mandatory in Office 365 to assign a license to a user) can be set. Additionally – if Admins want the usage location of their users unchanged, the can use the option “(no changes requested)” which is default.
- Office 365 licenses and new friendly plan names: In D365 we have customizable friendly names for the licenses (menu administration / license information). We also added the names of the Office 365 portal into our D365 database to use the same (friendly) names for plans as well.
So with version 4.1 D365 uses the friendly names for licenses and for plan names as in this screenshot.
For example D365 now shows the plan name “Microsoft Office 365 (Plan A1) for Students” instead of “STANDARDPACK_STUDENT” or “Office 365 Education for Students” instead of “STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_STUDENT” delivered from the Microsoft interface (see a incomplete list of the plan names here).
With the new friendly plan names D365 offers a better understandable and more user friendly license management.
All versions of Delegate365 have already been updated to version 4.1.
Categories: Delegate365, English, Office365, atwork