Delegate365 changelog version 8.4-Teamify with policy support, Room Lists, Mailbox licenses management, Report download and more

2019-07-29 | Toni Pohl

Delegate365 v8.4 brings a bunch of new features and improvements. Office 365 Groups management allows to teamify existing groups and to control all Teams settings including policy settings. The Sync Job can send warnings if many objects are deleted, Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes licenses can be removed, Reports can be directly downloaded, Room Lists are available, License Orders can be exported and much more. See a description of the new features here.

We've added many of the features described to our customers´ direct feedback, and we think they're useful. The Delegate365 update v8.4 is planned during August for productive customers. New Delegate365 trials will get this version starting mid of August.

Categories: Delegate365, English, Microsoft, Office365, Microsoft365, atwork, Tools
