Tips for PowerApps-8 Group and chart

2022-06-06 | Toni Pohl

Grouping in Power Apps can be a little tricky. Here´s how to create a new collection from a data table and visualizing the grouped result in a chart control.

In this small sample, I will show how you can use a data table with the group by function to visualize a summary with a chart in a Power App. The data source is minimal: It´s a SharePoint list named Fruits, containing some items. The Type column is what we want to see grouped by the number of items.


The desired outcome is to get a graphics that shows the products per Type. A datatable control shows the data that is bound to the Power App. Below, there is a button with a formula, a pie chart and a line chart control, as here.


We want to see that there are 2 Vegetables and 4 Fruits in the Fruits list.

We achieve this with the following code in the Button1 OnSelect formula:

// Create a new collection with the number of items per group:
             GroupBy(Fruits, "Type","Rows"),

Here´s the explanation for the formula:

The trick here is to create a grouped table Rows, and use that table to add the column RowCount with the aggregate function to the collection. It took me some time to figure that out since I did not find such a sample in the official documentation. However, when the button is pressed, the FruitsByType collection is created (and overwritten if it already existed) and filled with the expression. In the Collections menu, we see the following table:


This is the desired result. This collection can now be used as data source for the visualization controls in the Items property.


With the data in the format we require, we can now continue to customize the charts, and modifying the control properties. For example, you can replace the ItemColorSet in the Advanced properties with custom colors, and more.

[Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.LightGreen, Color.BlueViolet]

Have fun grouping with Power Apps!

Categories: App, Cloud, Developer, English, Microsoft365, Office365, PowerApps
