Delegate365 changelog 9.1-SharePoint Online

2020-03-04 | Toni Pohl

Delegate365 v9.1 provides basic management of SharePoint Online (SPO) sites that are assigned to an OU. See the prerequisites (part 1) and the features (part 2) here.

Part one - Create the SPO app once

Register the SPO app and to add that data in Delegate365. This needs to be done once by a Global Admin of the tenant.

Part two - Granting access using SharePoint App-Only (for newer tenants)

If the SPO communication does not work in Delegate365: Note that for new tenants, apps using an ACS app-only access token is disabled by default. Therefore you need to change the behavior by running the following PowerShell script to enable the SPO App Only authentication that is required by Delegate365. See more at Granting access using SharePoint App-Only. You need the latest SharePoint admin PowerShell (see here).

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell
Connect-SPOService -Url https://[yourtenant] -credential admin@[yourtenant]
Set-SPOTenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $false

That´s it. Then, the communication should work.

Part three - Manage SPO sites

After the configuration is completed, admins can use the features in Delegate365.


Managing assigned SPO sites in Delegate365 allows scope admins to provision and to manage specific sites within the management solution and within their environment. We think this is a useful addition for Delegate365. Portal admins can control if their scope admins shall be entitled to use this feature in the permission policies.

Categories: atwork, Delegate365, English, Microsoft, Microsoft365, Office365, SharePoint, Tools
