Delegate365 changelog version 8.0-A new major release

2018-07-24 | Toni Pohl

Delegate365 version 8.0 is a major release with a bunch of new features and updates. This Delegate365 version brings support for a new partner login, improvements in the setup process after updates, integration of Azure Event Grid, new user profile features, new Group OU's, a new check email address module, some bugfixes, new security features and some more features. See the details here.

The last update of Delegate365 version 7.5 took place in April. We have been busy developing and testing Delegate365 since then. Now is the time to launch the new Delegate365 version 8 and the new features. Let's start with the new setup.

Delegate365 version 8.0 provides brand new features and improvements. The update time will be planned accordingly with our customers starting end of July. New Delegate365 tenants will get this version automatically.

We hope, you like the new features of Delegate365!

Categories: Delegate365, English, Office365, atwork
