news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Weg mit der Maus, ran an die Tasten!

Die Kollegen vom Directory Services Team haben eine interessante Zusammenstellung von Kommandozeilenaufrufen in ihrem Blog veröffentlicht. Vorteil: mit der Tastatur ist man meist um etliches schneller als per Maus.

Die Zusammenstellung anbei (für jene, die nicht klicken wollen):

RUN/CMD shortcuts für Active Directory Management

ADFS.msc AD Federation Services
CERTMGR.msc Certificate Management -Current User
CERTSRV.msc Certification Authority
CERTTMPL.msc Certificate Templates
COMPMGMT.msc Computer Management
COMEXP.msc Component Services  C:\windows\system32\com
DCOMCNFG.exe Component Services
DSA.msc ADUC (AD Users and Computers)
DFSGUI.msc DFS Management
DFSMGMT.msc DFS Management R2
DNSMGMT.msc DNS Management
DOMAIN.msc Domains and Trusts
DSSITE.msc Sites and Services
EVENTVWR.msc Event Viewer
GPEDIT.msc Local Policy
GPMC.msc Group Policy Management Console
PKIVIEW.msc PKI management
RSOP.msc Resultant set of Policy
SECPOL.msc Local Security Policy
SERVICES.msc Services
SCHMMGMT.msc Schema Management
TASKMGR.exe Task Manager
TSCC.msc TS Configuration
TSADMIN.exe TS Administrator
LICMGR.exe TS Licensing

WINDOWS 2003 ADMINISTRATION TOOLS PACK *Installed from the Windows Server 2003 CD

ADMGMT.msc AD Management -Domains, Sites, DNS and ADUC
PKMGMT.msc PKI Management - Authorities, Templates
IPADDRMGMT.msc WINS, DNS and DHCP in one console


SERVERMANAGER.msc Server Manager
NAPCLCFG.msc Network Access Protection Client Configuration
STOREXPL.msc Storage Manager
TSCONFIG.msc TS Configuration
WBADMIN.msc Windows Server Backup
WF.msc Windows Firewall + Advanced Security

RUN shortcuts für Windows OS Management

NCPA.CPL Network Properties
APPWIZ.CPL Add remove programs
DEVMGMT.msc Device Manager
FSMGMT.msc File Share Management
SYSDM.CPL System Properties
FIREWALL.CPL Firewall applet
DESK.CPL Display Properties
CONTROL.exe Control Panel
MMSYS.CPL Sound Properties
SYSDM.CPL System Properties
ACCESS.CPL Accessibility Options
APPWIZ.CPL Add/Remove Programs
TIMEDATE.CPL Date/Time Properties
DESK.CPL Display Properties
FONTS.CPL Fonts Folder
INETCPL.CPL Internet Properties
JOY.CPL Joystick Properties
MAIN.CPL Keyboard Properties
MLCFG32.CPL Microsoft Exchange
WGPOCPL.CPL Microsoft Mail Post Office
MAIN.CPL Mouse Properties
MMSYS.CPL Multimedia Properties
PASWORD.CPL Password Properties
PRINTERS.CPL Printers Folder
INTL.CPL Regional Settings
STICPL.CPL Scanners and Cameras

Vielen Dank an Jim Tierney!

Beitrag von Martina Grom pixelpixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel
