Delegate365 provides a PowerShell module to access data in Delegate365 in scripts. You can import the Delegate365 module locally, or use it in the Azure Cloud Shell as well. See here, how to use the module in Azure Cloud Shell.
Here, you can find a description of the Delegate365 PowerShell module. It is hosted in the PowerShell Gallery and can be easily installed. So, here´s a step-by-step guide how to use the Delegate365 PS module.
Use the Azure cloud shell
See more about the cloud shell at Overview of Azure Cloud Shell. Users who have access to _any_ Azure subscription can use the cloud shell. A user only needs a Reader permissions to a resource, but a write permission to one specific Azure Storage account for storing the user´s profile is required (see below). So, every user who has access to Azure can use the Azure Cloud Shell.
Open the Azure cloud shell here:
Setup your cloud shell environment (once)
At the very first call, the cloud shell opens a wizard as here. Select "PowerShell" as environment.

To store the user´s profile, an Azure storage is required. The wizard asks to create a new storage at the first time the user opens the cloud shell.

Import the Delegate365 PowerShell module
When the storage has been created, the cloud shell opens with the PowerShell environment. Now, we can import and install the Delegate365 module from the PowerShell Gallery.
Install-Module Delegate365
Import-Module Delegate365

The next step is to connect to the Delegate365 API. Just to mention, all operations a user is doing in Delegate365 PowerShell are protocolled.
Let´s connect to Delegate365 with your API key.
You need the Delegate365 URL and an API key. You get a user´s API key in Delegate365 as shown here. Use the Connect-Delegate365 cmdlet to connect with your data as here:
$baseUrl = https://<your-company>
$apiKey = "<your-api-key>"
Connect-Delegate365 -WebApiSasKey $apiKey -WebApiBaseUrl $baseUrl

Use the Delegate365 cmdlets
Now we can use the Delegate365 cmdlets as here:
Get-DOUGet-DUser -OU 'Seattle'

See the cmdlets at
Use VS Code in Cloud Shell
To run scripts, use the integrated VS Code editor, as in this sample here.

Happy scripting with the Delegate365 PowerShell module in Azure Cloud Shell!