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Free Microsoft eBook Roadmap to Digital Infinity

Today´s a quick tip: Check out the free Microsoft eBook "Roadmap to Digital Infinity" - How to become an Intelligence Driven Organization!

Roadmap to Digital Infinity


This is a short eBook with 19 pages that "will show you how to take the next steps on your digital journey." It covers topics from Intelligence Driven Organization to the Digital Feedback Loop and the the core solution.

It's a beautifully designed eBook. I like the statements like "Change is the new normal" and a statement from Ralph Haupter, President, Microsoft EMEA: "One thing we can count on: combining human ingenuity with innovation will be essential, not optional". In addition, the data analysis helps to put an organization in a test and learning culture. New ideas can be developed, started and improved with much more confidence.

Another interesting read is How Microsoft became an Intelligence Driven Organization - and how your business could do the same: "A journey of transformation can open up infinite possibilities for organizations of any size and in any sector."

Check it out!

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