Replacement of MSOnline and Azure AD Powershell modules

2023-08-17 | Toni Pohl

I know some habits are hard to break. We still see some IT administrators using the outdated tools. We recommend admins using older Azure AD, Azure AD Preview or MS Online modules to use MS Graph modules instead. Renew your tools!

Powershell modules retirements

The discontinuation means that Microsoft is not making any investments in the outdated Powershell modules and does not make any SLA commitments beyond security-related fixes. See the details of the retirement plans here:

Important: Azure AD Graph Retirement and Powershell Module Deprecation 

In the article, Microsoft states:

Use Graph and migrate scripts

Instead, use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, and – what is also helpful in many cases - the Az PowerShell module.

Install-Module –Name Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser

Find more about using the Graph Powershell module at  Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, and an article that can help to migrate your apps to Microsoft Graph at Migrate your apps from Azure AD Graph to Microsoft Graph.

Use Visual Studio Code

Admins, please use Visual Studio Code instead of the outdated PowerShell ISE.


The VS Code editor is free, fast and offers many extensions (and can integrate GitHub Copilot – a great help)!


Admin portals

For all admins using Microsoft 365 services: Find an useful overview of all Microsoft Administrator Portals at


Happy administration!

Categories: Cloud, Azure, Developer, English, Graph, Microsoft, Microsoft365, Office365, PowerShell, Tools
