news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Azure Logic Apps Toolbox 8-Secure your secretswith Azure Key Vault and Managed Identity

Credentials and secrets should be stored in a secure environment and not directly in an Azure Logic App or script. Azure provides the Key Vault service, which allows to store such secrets in a secure and controllable way. See how this works here.

Free Book Inside Azure Management v3

Are you interested or already working with Microsoft Azure? Download the freshest and latest version of the free e-book "Inside Azure Management v3". This preview release of "Inside Azure Management" is now available with more than 500 pages in 16 chapters covering topics like implementing solutions, containers, migrating workloads, hybrid, automation, backup, costs, governance, monitoring and alerting, analytics, and more. Check it out!

Groups Governance Toolkit Part 4-Ownerless Groups

In this multi-part series we show you how to handle the Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams governance toolkit. The next article cover the governance part of our Groups Governance Toolkit.Imagine your company policy requires at least 2 owners per Office 365 Group or per Microsoft Team. In this part, we want to monitor all groups that are ownerless (orphaned), or do not comply with our organization's policies. The IT department shall get the information of all groups and teams where there are no owners or not enough owners and the possibility to fix that. Read below how this can be accomplished.

Use Visual Studio Code and the Code Runner extension

Visual Studio Code (currently, Version 1.22 is available) is a very cool developer tool providing a modern and fast code editor with a bunch of extensions. With extensions as Code-Runner, it’s easy to run a code file or active text directly from the VS Code text editor. Check out this quick description how to configure and use Code Runner.

Download the free Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook

Serverless Computing is popular. With Microsoft Azure, IT people can concentrate on their tasks and apps without taking care of managing any server infrastructure. One of the key Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) components from Microsoft is the new, extensive Azure Functions service. Learn how to use Azure Functions with the cost-free Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook!

Microsoft TechDays Online powered by MVPs

Nächste Woche Mittwoch und Donnerstag findet ein interessantes Online-Event statt, nämlich die TechDays Online. Am 18. und 19. Mai führen Microsoft MVPs als Technical Community Leaders an Tag Eins durch die Themen Intelligence from Analytics on Azure and Cortana Intelligence” und an Tag Zwei durch DevOps”.