news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Dear Microsoft Entra Administrator, allow Guest users to leave-lifecycle and governance for external user accounts

This article describes the current issues with blocked guest user accounts and how to mitigate some of them. You will also see some recommended ways to improve lifecycle management while still have a good governance in place.
Sometimes being a guest in Microsoft Entra tenants feel like Hotel California:

You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!”

Azure Logic Apps Toolbox 9-More useful Tips

By working with Azure Logic Apps, data can be processed very quickly and conveniently. Sometimes small details are a challenge, like function names or correct syntax. This is especially true if you don't work with logic apps all the time. In addition to our existing tips here in the blog, we have some other useful functions from various scenarios that will make your work with Logic Apps easier.