Administer Linux with OMS Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:00 AM Toni Pohl Recently, the team of the Operations Management Suite announced that Linux management with Operations Management Suite (OMS) is now generally available. Azure | Cloud | English | Microsoft | OMS Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr
Monitoring and Reporting of Office 365 with OMS-Part 1 Sunday, August 14, 2016 9:50 PM Martina Grom The Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) delivers a great way to collect, analyze and monitor computer systems and services in your cloud and on-premises environments. Data is collected through agents and is saved to the OMS repository for further analysis. See here how this works for monitoring and reporting for Microsoft Office 365! Azure | Business Intelligence | Cloud | English | Microsoft | OMS | Office365 Mediumlink | Permalink | Comments (0) | Post RSS mehr