news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Martina Grom speaking at Microsoft Ignite 2017

We are delighted to announce that our CEO, Martina Grom, will be speaker at this year’s Microsoft Ignite conference. Ignite is Microsoft’s largest IT conference that will take place from September 25 - 29, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. Ignite will offer about 700+ sessions, insights and roadmaps from industry leaders, and deep dives and live demos on the products you use every day. See more here.

Bye bye,

Alles hat ein Ende, so auch unser Office 365 Sofort-Test. Der Sofort-Test von Office 365 wurde von uns gemeinsam mit Microsoft Deutschland 2012 entwickelt und ermöglichte das rasche und anonyme Testen von Office 365 Services. Nun, nach fünf Jahren, ist Office 365 erfolgreich im deutschen Markt angekommen und der Office 365 Sofort-Test hat ausgedient.

Delegate365-(Re)run the setup

Delegate365 runs as an app in Microsoft Azure on top of Office 365. You can connect to any Office 365 tenant with your Delegate365 portal. You just need a configuration password and a Global Admin user of your Office 365 tenant. The Setup must be executed once, as initial setup or during operation to renew the permissions of the Delegate365 app. See how the new and simplified setup process works here.