news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Secure a web on Azure with an Azure Active Directory Multi-Tenant App

Azure offers a great platform for multiple types of apps and services, Web Apps are one of the PaaS service, we are using much. In some scenarios, it makes sense to host a static website on Azure, but to restrict access just for authenticated users. Well, AAD can help you with that by demanding a successful login with an Office 365 account. See how this works here.

Project: Seitenumbruch einfügen / Insert Page Break

Oft ist es für einen übersichtlichen Druck eine Projektplans erforderlich einen manuellen Seitenumbruch einzufügen. Der zugehörige Befehl ist nicht auf den ersten Blick auffindbar. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie ihn schnell verfügbar machen.

Often it is necessary to insert a manual page break for printing a project plan. The command for doing so cannot be found at first glance. Read here how to make it available quickly.

Project: Symbolleiste für den Schnellzugriff anpassen / Customize Quick Access Tool Bar

Einige Befehle, die oft benötigt werden, sind in Project nur mit einigen Mausklicks erreichbar. Lesen Sie, wie Sie die Schnellstartleiste auf Ihre Anforderungen anpassen.

Some commands that are often needed can only be accessed in Project with some mouse clicks. Read how to customize the Quick Launch Bar to your needs.

Working with the new Azure PowerShell Az module

PowerShell is both a command-line shell and scripting language and perfect for automating administrative tasks. When working with Microsoft Azure, Microsoft recommends to use the new Azure PowerShell Az module. See how to uninstall the outdated Azure PowerShell AzureRM , how to install the new Az module for PowerShell 5.x and 6.x and how to connect and to get a inventory of your resources and a little bit of Cloud Shell here.

Detect sentiment with Text Analytics

Azure Cognitive Services offer a bunch of services. One is the Sentiment Analysis API that allows to analyze unstructured text for tasks such as sentiment analysis based on Microsoft machine learning algorithms. See the first steps how to use that here.The test works in the same way with Postman as in the previous article.The goal here is to analyze some text to get a positive or negative result of the meaning.So, we just need some Azure logic and a tool to send and get the data. How to detect s...

First steps with the Microsoft Vision API

Cloud services help to automate simple and complex processes. For analyzing a picture, the Microsoft Cognitive Services offer a bunch of services like the Vision API, (Custom) Computer Vision, Face API, Video Indexer an more. Follow this first sample with Postman to start with the Vision API.

Project Online / Project Server: Project Detail Pages - Enhancements (Part 7) - Hide Impact Ratings on Project Detail Page "Strategic Impact"

As an administrator, you may receive a requirement to add some logic to your Project Detail Pages (PDPs). There are some options how to do this. This is the sixth article of a series explaining ways to implement some logic using JavaScript/JQuery.
If you are using Strategic Impact”, there are 5 Project Impact Statements by default. Business may require to use less than these five ratings. You can set some impact ratings to not be displayed on PDP Strategic Impact” using some code.

Troubleshooting Delegate365-Login

Sometimes support cases are opened because users cannot login to Delegate365 with their Office 365 account. In most cases, the browser cache automatically signs-in a user with wrong credentials. Please follow these simple steps to see how to achieve a successful login to the Delegate365 portal in such scenarios.

Project Online / Project Server: Project Detail Pages - Enhancements (Part 6)-Remove Prefix from Enterprise Custom Fields on Project Detail Pages

As an administrator, you may receive a requirement to add some logic to your Project Detail Pages (PDPs). There are some options how to do this. This is the sixth article of a series explaining ways to implement some logic using JavaScript/JQuery.
It is a common practice to use a prefix for Enterprise Custom Fields. In Project Center views you can modify this prefix in column headers. Since there is no possibility configure Enterprise Custom Field names on PDPs, you will need to add some code to adjust field labels.

Groups Governance Toolkit Part 4-Ownerless Groups

In this multi-part series we show you how to handle the Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams governance toolkit. The next article cover the governance part of our Groups Governance Toolkit.Imagine your company policy requires at least 2 owners per Office 365 Group or per Microsoft Team. In this part, we want to monitor all groups that are ownerless (orphaned), or do not comply with our organization's policies. The IT department shall get the information of all groups and teams where there are no owners or not enough owners and the possibility to fix that. Read below how this can be accomplished.