news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more.

Create a new Viva Engage Community with Graph

In early 2023, Microsoft renamed Yammer to Viva Engage. This year we see the first small integration of Viva Engage with Microsoft Graph in beta. This article shows how to provision a new Viva Engage community, add owners and members using Graph in an Azure Logic app.

Power Pages architecture and governance

Power Pages is a enterprise-grade software-as-a-service platform from Microsoft that provides a low-code solution for building, managing, and hosting dynamic enterprise websites. It enables citizen developers and professional developers within organizations to quickly and securely build custom external-facing web applications. These applications are tailored for use by the organization's consumers, partners, community users, and internal users. Learn more about Power Pages here.

Join us at Global Azure Austria 2023

Global Azure is an annual event that brings together developers, IT professionals, and cloud enthusiasts from all around the world. Taking place as a a free, virtual event on Friday 12th May 2023, this year's event promises to be bigger and better than ever, with a wide range of sessions for all skill levels. As in previous years, we are proud to be part of Global Azure Austria.

Create an Adventcalendar for festive techcalendar 2022 with Power Apps

Christmas is near. As a contribution to the, I describe here how to create an advent calendar with Microsoft Power Apps. You can download the Power App and use this app and this article to learn useful concepts in Power Apps. Here we go with the article for December 4th.

Power Platform Environments and Governance tips using Solutions

The Microsoft Power Platform is great for quick and easy solutions and workflows. While developing a new Power App or flow is quick, governance and management can present some hurdles. Well, there is help for some topics, such as the use of solutions. Read more here.

How to restore a flow from a backup to another environment

In the previous article, we showed and described two flows to backup and restore a flow. This works well when the flow's connections are still in the same environment. But what about restoring a flow in a different environment? This is a typical use case for "moving" flows from a source environment to a target environment, such as from the development environment to the productive or department environment. In this article we show how this works with the restore flow.

How to backup and restore a flow with another flow

Did you know that you can backup and restore a flow (or multiple flows) with another flow in Power Automate? This is very helpful for backing up and restoring important flows in the company. Well, I knew the mechanism. Now I've tested it myself and found that this process is undocumented and I've only found examples that didn't work. Reason enough to develop the process to work and describe it with all workarounds. Here is the guide for real world application.

Azure Logic Apps Toolbox 8-Secure your secretswith Azure Key Vault and Managed Identity

Credentials and secrets should be stored in a secure environment and not directly in an Azure Logic App or script. Azure provides the Key Vault service, which allows to store such secrets in a secure and controllable way. See how this works here.

Force a content refresh of an Azure static website using Azure CDN

Static website hosting in Azure Storage is really cool and quick method for simple deployment scenarios. Azure CDN edge nodes provide the cache and distribution layer with custom domains, rules, and further configuration options for such a static website. But what to do if you update the static website and it doesn't deliver the new content? How can you force an update? See the solution here.

How to filter entries with Null value in Azure Table Storage Explorer

Azure storage accounts are a great and inexpensive way to store lots of data. I am using Azure Table storage to store large amounts of structured data for various tools. I needed to filter all rows that have a specific field that shows Null. While this sounds simple, it is a bit tricky. Here's how.